Each year the Peterborough Bassmasters hosts 8 casual catch-and-release 1-day bass fishing tournaments on various local Kawartha lakes.

In our club tournaments each boat consists of a club member that owns the boat (referred to as a Boater) and a club member that does not own a boat (referred to as a Non-Boater).  The Boater and Non-Boater are randomly assigned by the Tournament Director. The team of two work together to catch and weigh in the maximum weight of 5 bass (per tournament).  Each angler is assigned points for their teams weight and at the end of the year the club recognizes and awards an Angler of the Year and Co-Angler of the Year based on the most points.


  • All club members must have a valid Sport fishing license and current B.A.S.S. membership.
  • Using the clubs private Facebook page, the tournament director sets up the invite for the tournaments. Club members then indicate their interest in participating. The tournament director will create teams via a random mix of “Boater” & “Non-Boater” for every club tournament. The teams are posted (usually 3 days prior to the event) on the private Facebook page so that the anglers can communicate with each other to partner on strategy, car pooling etc…
  • Standard practice is on the day of the tournament the Non-Boater pays the Boater $75 cash (and also splits on any launch fees).  The dollar value may change year to year based off gas prices. This $ isn’t just a thank you for joining the Boater but is to help pay the Boater for gas (using the boat and towing the boat).
  • If a culling system is used, it must be a NON-PIERCING system.
  • We have a policy that when fishing a Peterborough Bassmasters tournament, members are not allowed to fish marina’s, must obey all water speed restrictions and must wear a PFD while under main power.
  • At the end of a tournament, the tournament director & the weigh-master tally up the totals of every team’s catch and keeps a log of weight and points awarded.  Shortly after a tournament via the private Facebook page participants points are published.
  • Come the next club tournament the Non-Boaters will always be assigned to a new Boater to fish with. This creates a great learning experience for both, fosters team work, increased club collaboration and most of all adds to an already great time on the water with someone equally as passionate about fishing.
  • At our November meeting the members with the most points (Boater and Non-Boater) win some awesome prizes and bragging rights!









The rules, policies and procedures of a Peterborough Bassmasters club tournament are available on the club members private Facebook page and are for members only.

Otherwise, our club policies on tournaments are very standard for a bass tournament.